For every business it is essential to recognise the employees for their contributions and hard work. In today’s world where an employee is juggling multiple responsibilities, it is becoming increasingly important to show them appreciation for their efforts and dedication. For this businesses are required to integrate employee rewards programs into their strategies.

Giving your employees a pat on the back for all their hard work and dedication is going to benefit you in the long run and further contribute to the success of your business. What’s required is for you to focus on the employee appreciation and ensuring they feel motivated throughout.

What are Employee Rewards Programs?

In simple words, activities for employees are integrated by the company to ensure that the employees are motivated and appreciate their hard work being put in for the company’s growth. For this companies are required to recognise, appreciate and incentive the employees.

This process of offering corporate employees reward have a positive impact on the employee’s motivation and mental well being as well. A motivated employee can perform ten times better than a demotivated employee. Hence, integrating  such programs for employees is required.

Key Elements of Employee Rewards Programs

Moving forward, let’s have a look at some key elements that make reward program employees a successful campaign for the company and employees. 

1. Spontaneous Recognition

First and foremost point to consider while designing activities for employees is to keep the entire process spontaneous for the employees. This would keep the employees motivated to perform and be on top of their game throughout the time.

Additionally, having a spontaneous programs for employees will ensure maximum efficiency of the activities being performed. This would motivate the employees throughout and push them to deliver their projects on time and make them more enthusiastic to participate in these events as well. 

2. Equal Participation & Opportunity

Ensure that all the employees and teams are given fair opportunities and chances for participation. This would ensure that there is no bias and the process is fair for all the employees and team members as well.

To ensure equal participation you can motivate the employees to come forward with their thoughts and ideas that can be integrated, make them feel valued and appreciated. This way employees will be participating in these activities and will be performing as well. 

3. Maximum Visibility

While integrating or implementing activities for employees, one important point to consider is the visibility of the campaign. For this to ensure proper communication, all employees should be aware of the campaign and the communication should be visible to all.

Maximum visibility will further increase the chances of the employees to come forward and participate in the activities for employees. 

4. Aligned with Objectives

The corporate employees reward program that you are integrating should also be aligned with your company objectives as well. This would further ensure that the employees feel valued as they see you valuing your company objectives as well. 

5. Frequent Recognition

These recognition programs should be frequent: on a monthly basis to further ensure employees feel rewarded, valued and appreciated. In addition to this, frequent recognition will also ensure that employees are highly motivated to perform better and are keeping up with their performance as well. 

6. Meaningful Incentives/Rewards

The incentives or rewards that are being offered to employees should be meaningful and not for the name sake to actually have an impact. Offering rewards that employees can relate with will further ensure that employees are motivated to achieve more such rewards and recognitions in the future, hence, motivated to perform better.

Integrating Employee Rewards Programs

Now that we have established the most basic and important points of employee rewards programs, let’s glance through some examples of available reward programs employees. 

1. Employee of the Month

One of the most common activities for employees to integrate is ‘Employee of the Month’. This allows employees to keep their performances on top and earn the reward. For this you can give your employees various gifts such as movie tickets, discount coupons for making them feel rewarded.

For this you can integrate CineRewardz with RewardPort and offer your employees a relaxing gift on this ‘Employee of the Month’ ceremony, instead of giving away just a certificate. 

2. Birthday/Anniversary Celebration

Next is to celebrate employee birthdays and their work anniversaries. This would again make them feel valued and appreciated for their hard work. For this you can offer the employees a variety of gifts that they can leverage such as Sweepstakes, Subscription Nation or others from RewardPort. 

3. Wall of Fame

Adding a wall of fame in your office where you can post the achievements of all the employees, and post pictures of high performing employees. This would motivate all the employees to work better and put in more effort. 

4. Activity Friday

You can designate Friday as the day of the week where you can execute or plan for different activities for employees that would offer them some time away from work and help them relax as well.

Further in these activities also you can reward a small gift to the winning employees and make them feel more appreciated. This would motivate other employees to participate and win rewards in the next games.

RewardPort and Employee Rewards Programs

Having discussed all the major points of integrating an employee rewards programs to be integrated in the system. The only key aspect left is choosing the right partner to help you through the entire process of integrating and implementing these reward programs.

RewardPort being a leading loyalty program provider is fully equipped to offer you such programs and allow you to get the programs customized as per your needs as well. In addition to this, the highly experienced team also allows you to get more insights about your campaigns.

Get in touch with our expert teams today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are examples of employee rewards?

Examples of employee rewards are: Employee of the Month, Movie Tickets, vouchers, and gift cards.

What are the best employee recognition programs?

Best employee recognition programs consist of- employee of the month, wall of fame, star of the year initiatives.

What is Points rewards program for employees?

Points based reward program for employees is for every achievement employees are given certain points which can be availed either as a leave, an incentive or any other reward.




    We have executed programs across various categories in India and abroad.



    Our programs and solutions have made a mark in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, UAE, Kenya, United Kingdom & Canada.



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    Abbott India Ltd

    Challenge: Managing end-to-end incentive program for distributors efficiently.


    1. RewardPort registered addresses and email ids of all distributors by getting a form filled with their company seal & signature and digitizing it
    2. Created reward catalogue for 5 slabs with 4 gift options in each slab category
    3. Deployed an account manager and operations resource for timely MIS & escalation management
    4. Created a full-proof reward delivery system eliminating pilferage of gifts and theft/misuse by parties
    5. Created periodic schemes for retailers- free recharge on billing of Digene products

    Program mechanics: We receive a data file from Abbott team with address and gift option details of the qualified distributors every month. Tangible gifts are dispatched directly on the addresses and e-vouchers are emailed on their registered email id.