Almost every brand existing in the market wishes to have a loyal customer base on which the brand can rely. It is not that simple to establish a loyal customer base and doesn’t happen overnight and requires constant customer recognition campaigns that makes the customer feel valued. Brands use different strategies such as free gifts and movie vouchers to establish customer loyalty recognition.

Defining Customer Loyalty Program

A customer loyalty program is a recognition program implemented by a brand to reward and recognize loyal customers. This allows brands to reward the customers who have been loyal to the brand by offering them different rewards such as free gifts, free trials or subscriptions, cinema voucher, and discounts as well.

However, with changing times, the definition of customer loyalty has also changed. It is not limited to just making regular purchases anymore, it goes beyond. Customers these days can easily switch to a different brand if there is even a single incident of bad experience. Hence, it is essential to ensure that you offer not only discounted prices but also provide a better experience for the customer.

Additionally, customer loyalty can be triggered by different elements such as time saving processes, enhanced experience, personalization and rewards. All these factors combined together impacts the customer loyalty towards a brand.

Further, we are going to discuss how brands are leveraging movie vouchers, and cinema gift card as a customer loyalty program.

Movie Vouchers: Customer Loyalty Program

We are in the era where customer loyalty has evolved and so is the customer mindset. This allowed brands to brainstorm and develop new, unique ideas to reward the loyal customers. Doing so, brands developed movie voucher code, or movie ticket voucher online platforms.

The reason behind this is, most customers prefer to watch their favorite movie in a theater with the best quality sound and video. Hence, brands started to reward the loyal customers by offering them cinema gift card and offering them to experience their favorite movie at a grand scale.

This is not only offering the customer the opportunity to watch the movie in a theater but also enabling them to associate the particular movie with the brand. Hence, whenever the customer is going to see that movie again, he will be reminded of the brand that offered them this experience.

Incorporating partners like RewardPort in your marketing strategies and leveraging their services such as CineRewardz will enable your brand to integrate the movie vouchers easily in their customer loyalty program and offer the customer with enhanced experience.

How Movie Vouchers are Beneficial for Brands?

Gone are the days when you would simply offer a discount coupon to a loyal customer and they would feel valued. Now, times have changed and so are the needs of the customers, hence, it is imperative that brands focus on offering them an enhanced experience instead of discounts.

Leveraging this, brands are now offering cinema voucher to reward customer loyalty. Some of the major benefits of this approach are: 

  • Enhanced customer loyalty

Offering customers various benefits such as movie voucher code, or movie ticket voucher online builds a sense of being valued in the customer, hence, they become more inclined to the brand. This allows the brand to gain loyal customers and maintain their loyalty by leveraging such strategies. 

  • Increased customer base

Once a customer feels valued by a brand, they are bound to talk about their experience with their peers, friends and family. This enhanced experience allows the peers to explore the brand and have a similar experience, this way brands can increase their customer base.

  • Customer retention 

If a customer had a bad experience they might not want to come back to your brand, but if you can rectify that experience by offering them another experience such as cinema voucher which will create an association between the brand and the movie. This further allows the brand to retain the customers and offer them better experiences. 

  • Associating experience with brand 

By providing a customer an enhanced experience of a movie and offering them movie vouchers. Brands are creating an association between the movie and the experience with the brand. This way in future whenever the customer is going to experience a movie he will associate that experience with the particular brand, hence more brand loyalty and brand recognition. 

  • Repeat purchases 

Allowing  a customer to have an enhanced experience once, will urge the customer to have a repeat purchase to have the same experience again. This will further ensure that the customer is coming back to the brand again and making more purchases, offering the brand more revenue and more sales.

CineRewardz with RewardPort

RewardPort is one of the leading brands to offer loyalty programs to various brands. It allows the brand to choose from their plethora of services and integrate the most suitable option in their strategies to ensure customer loyalty and channel partner loyalty as well.

With RewardPort you get a wide range of services and solutions for all your loyalty and reward programs. One such service is CineRewardz which once integrated offers your loyal customers with free movie vouchers as a recognition or reward to their loyalty towards the brand.

Further, CineRewardz and other services with RewardPort are integrated seamlessly with the existing marketing strategies to offer you enhanced results. The highly professional team of RewardPort makes it easy for you to keep a track of all the activities and monitor the loyalty programs as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.How do I purchase movie vouchers?

To purchase movie vouchers there are various online platforms available. These platforms provide you with different cinema voucher as per your preferences.

2.What is a movie voucher?

A movie voucher is a 16-digit discount code which when implemented offers you a discount on the movie ticket.

3.How do I redeem a movie voucher?

To redeem a movie voucher, enter the voucher code at the time of payment. Here you will find a section where you can enter the voucher code and avail the discount benefits.




    We have executed programs across various categories in India and abroad.



    Our programs and solutions have made a mark in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, UAE, Kenya, United Kingdom & Canada.



    Over 750 clients have trusted us with their marketing campaigns.

    Abbott India Ltd

    Challenge: Managing end-to-end incentive program for distributors efficiently.


    1. RewardPort registered addresses and email ids of all distributors by getting a form filled with their company seal & signature and digitizing it
    2. Created reward catalogue for 5 slabs with 4 gift options in each slab category
    3. Deployed an account manager and operations resource for timely MIS & escalation management
    4. Created a full-proof reward delivery system eliminating pilferage of gifts and theft/misuse by parties
    5. Created periodic schemes for retailers- free recharge on billing of Digene products

    Program mechanics: We receive a data file from Abbott team with address and gift option details of the qualified distributors every month. Tangible gifts are dispatched directly on the addresses and e-vouchers are emailed on their registered email id.