There has been a time where all of us have been hooked to those video games and screens for hours. But have you ever wondered what was the reason behind that? The adrenaline rush, exciting graphics and details, better storyline, challenges- may be all of these.

Similar gamification concepts have been introduced by various brands as a part of their sales promotion or other marketing activities. Reason behind this is to provide the reward-winning experience to the customers which will push them to make more purchases.

What is a Gamification Rewards Program?

As already mentioned that brands are also incorporating similar aspects, here are few things that you need to understand about the gamification rewards program, and its benefits along with impact on the industry.

Gamification is the process that is introduced in the rewards program to make them more interesting for the customers and make them feel involved in the whole process. Gamification can be done in different ways such as spin the wheel, scratch cards, or treasure hunts, referrals, badges etc.

All these activities makes the customer feel more involved in the entire process of making the purchase and tends to remember the brand as the overall shopping experience is being uplifted here.

Some of the benefits of introducing gamification to rewards programs are:

  • Brand Recognition & Awareness

When you introduce gamification in sales activities, buyers tend to remember your brand as the gamification process has enhanced their overall experience and made it interesting. This will help them remember your brand for a long time and generate more brand awareness & recognition.

  • Increased Customer Engagement

Interesting gamification processes will intrigue your customers to get involved in the process which will increase customer engagement in your brand. This will eventually get your brand more customers and help you expand your customer base.

  • Appealing for Customers

Gamification process is appealing for customers, and the reward-winning adrenaline rush pushes them to make a purchase to see the reward they might get. This makes the overall experience for the customer interesting and satisfying.

  • Increased Sales & Revenue

Because the overall process is made interesting for the customers, this can enhance the sales and earned revenue. Once customers are intrigued they will keep on making purchases due to the reward addiction and hence, your brand will have increased sales and revenue.

  • Word of Mouth Brand Marketing

When the overall sales process is made satisfying and interesting for the customers they will be referring the brand to their peers and hence doing a cost-effective word of mouth marketing for your brand.

Additionally, gamification rewards program can be incorporated into any brand’s strategies by partnering with the right loyalty program provider such as RewardPort whose wide range of products and services can be implemented to introduce gamification in sales process and hence increasing the sales.

RewardPort offers Gamification to introduce different types of processes such as spin the wheel, treasure hunts, slot machine pop ups, etc, to make the process interactive for the customers.

How to Integrate Gamification Rewards Program?

Before starting on the how, you need to answer a few questions for a better understanding and vision of the gamification process.

  • What are your goals?
  • What is your target audience?
  • What is your objective?
  • What is your budget?

Once you have answered these questions, you now have a clear understanding of the basics of the gamification process and what to expect out of it. Let’s dive into the process of integrating the gamification rewards program into your brand strategies.

  • Identify the audience
  • Understand their needs and requirements
  • Identify the interest areas of the audience
  • Figure out what kind of gamification activities interests the audience
  • Introduce an element of surprise
  • Make the reward worth the gamification process

Following the above-mentioned process, once you have developed the initial gamification for your audience, based on the constant feedback and activities you can alter the process and make it more interesting for your audience.

Different Gamification Reward Programs

Although the need to introduce the gamification process entirely depends on the needs and goals of the brand, here are some of the most common gamification introduced in the reward programs.

  • Badges

For making a fixed number or amount of purchases you offer the customers with different badges and showcase their journey with the brand. This allows them to bond with the brand and form a sense of belonging and makes them feel a part of the family, hence, more purchases. It further intrigues the customers to reach the highest badge and have the sense of winning.

  • Gamified Surveys and Quizzes

You can make data collection gamified and interesting for the customers, this way they will provide their data and won’t feel bored. Making this process interesting you can add certain pop ups to select the items from, and portray it in a story form which is interesting for the customer.

  • Treasure Hunts

Be it online or offline, you can incorporate treasure hunts for customers to put in some extra efforts and win the rewards. This will make the customers feel involved in the entire gamification process and hence, form a bond with the brand.

  • Spin the Wheel

This tends to be one of the most basic and commonly used gamification tactics. Once the customer spins the wheel and it lands on a certain prize, the customer is awarded that price. This is interesting as it keeps up the suspense and intrigues the customer about the prize.

You can introduce Spin the Wheel Gamification Rewards Program by RewardPort for a more effective process.

Gamification with RewardPort

With RewardPort you can also include processes such as scratch cards with their Scartch2Win program and also incorporate the leaderboard which shows the top winning customers. This makes other customers buy more products from the brand and see their name on top of the leaderboard.

Furthermore, once a customer reaches the top of the leaderboard they are given an additional reward which creates a sense of victory for the customer and hence, they form a loyalty bond with the company, also referring the same to their peers.

For more information you can get in touch with the experts here at RewardPort and get your gamification rewards program customised as per the needs of your brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do gamification rewards programs work?

Integrating gamification rewards programs in the brand can help engage the customers in a better way and enhance their purchase experience. It also provides the customers with a sense of winning while being provided with any reward.

What industries benefit from gamification rewards programs?

Gamification rewards programs can be incorporated into any brand and industries to make the overall experience enhanced. This allows the customers to get engaged with the brand in a better way.

Are gamification rewards programs effective?

Gamification rewards programs are effective to attract more customers and retain customers as well. This allows more engaging and involving experience for the customers which provides more sales for the company and hence more revenue and more profit.




    We have executed programs across various categories in India and abroad.



    Our programs and solutions have made a mark in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, UAE, Kenya, United Kingdom & Canada.



    Over 750 clients have trusted us with their marketing campaigns.

    Abbott India Ltd

    Challenge: Managing end-to-end incentive program for distributors efficiently.


    1. RewardPort registered addresses and email ids of all distributors by getting a form filled with their company seal & signature and digitizing it
    2. Created reward catalogue for 5 slabs with 4 gift options in each slab category
    3. Deployed an account manager and operations resource for timely MIS & escalation management
    4. Created a full-proof reward delivery system eliminating pilferage of gifts and theft/misuse by parties
    5. Created periodic schemes for retailers- free recharge on billing of Digene products

    Program mechanics: We receive a data file from Abbott team with address and gift option details of the qualified distributors every month. Tangible gifts are dispatched directly on the addresses and e-vouchers are emailed on their registered email id.