Customer loyalty programs do not only work for retail businesses, but manufacturing industries can also benefit by running these programs. Intermediaries, i.e. dealers, distributors, and wholesalers, play a significant role in the success of manufacturing businesses. Your end consumers may be loyal to your brand, but they rarely interact with the manufacturers. Therefore, their experiences depend entirely on how your dealers and distributors sell your products to them.

This is where B2B loyalty programs come into play for manufacturing companies. A loyalty program is the best way to increase RoI for your business and encourage your customers (dealers and wholesalers) to provide the best experiences to your end consumers. The loyalty programs for manufacturing companies work differently from the ones that are run by retailers. However, the end goal is the same in both cases and that is to improve end customer satisfaction.

Let us help you understand what are the advantages of loyalty reward programs for manufacturing businesses and how you can implement them:

How Customer Loyalty Programs Can Change The Game For Manufacturing Businesses?

In B2B businesses, the expectations of loyalty programs are very much influenced by the consumer experience. Before purchasing from a manufacturer, the wholesalers and retailers look for various factors, including the manufacturing company’s customer service, in order to enhance the experiences of their end customers. It is because good customer service allows them to contact the manufacturer whenever the end consumer faces an issue.

This shows how customer-centric marketing has taken over product-centric marketing. With this, it becomes essential for manufacturing companies to offer real value to their customers. As a manufacturer, you have to make your partners or dealers trust that you want their business to grow along with yours. When you are able to do this, you get loyalty from your partners as a result.

Your partners may be having other partners as well. What makes them sell your products on priority? It is a good loyalty program. There are various benefits of loyalty rewards for manufacturing businesses. When you offer valuable rewards or incentives to your dealer partners, they become your brand advocates and promote your products among their customers. They put more effort into selling your products so that they can earn more and more rewards.

How To Create a Successful Manufacturing Loyalty Program?

The following tips might help you build a successful customer loyalty program for your manufacturing business:

Focus More on Offering Value

It’s good to offer rewards, cashback, free gifts, etc, to boost your sales. But offering value is the best thing you can do to strengthen your relationship with your dealers, partners, or wholesalers. Offer rewards to your dealer partners not just for making more purchases, but also for participating in education and training programs. Everyone loves to learn and grow while working.

You can create a training program that allows your partners, dealers, and their sales team to learn about your products. Make sure that these programs allow them to develop a few other skills as well. As per research, over 84% of companies or dealers are likely to partner with a business that provides a clear understanding of their goals.

Other types of incentives that are much more effective than discount-based loyalty programs include co-marketing funds. You can offer marketing funds or provide your partner with access to your marketing experts.

Reward Your Partners With Targeted Incentives

Offering target-based loyalty rewards is another great way to make your loyalty program successful. Reward your partners on achieving different milestones, such as completing the onboarding process, and completing a training or certification program that you offer. It is important to make your partners very well aware of your products and services. And incentivized training programs are the best way to do this.

Other than this, you can offer incentives for achieving sales targets. Provide great additional discounts to your customers (dealers or wholesalers) when they perform exceptionally well. This will motivate them to perform even better and drive more sales in the future. You can also reward them for recommending your brand to other potential customers who can become your partners. This is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to expand your reach.

You can connect with the best loyalty program providers like RewardPort to create reward programs with targeted incentives.

Offer Personalized Customer Service

You can create a unique bond with your customers by offering them personalized customer service. When you personally address each of your customers, they feel valued and emotionally connected to your business. Send them personalized messages on special occasions and on achieving specific milestones. Studies suggest that over 70% of customers prefer doing business with companies that offer personalized experiences.

A multi-channel service system allows you to assist your customers whenever they need help and stay connected with them. The more a brand interacts with its customers, the better is the customer satisfaction. With a multi-channel service system, you can provide your customers with greater access to your support team and they will be able to interact better.

Good customer service is sometimes enough to hold your partners and make long-term relationships with them. Therefore, you must make sure that your customers are being heard and answered every time they have a problem.

Share Positive Customer Reviews

Consumers trust the review of users of a brand more than the promotions and advertisements of the brand itself. You can share your existing customers’ reviews on social media platforms and let your target audience know how you are performing. You can gather customer feedback through surveys or by asking them to write short testimonials.

You can offer rewards or incentives to your customers for sharing feedback or filing surveys. In case there are some negative reviews, make sure that you work on them in order to retain your existing customers. When you work on your customers’ feedback and let them know about it, they feel valued and are more likely to stay loyal.

Boost Customer Loyalty in Your Business With RewardPort

After knowing the advantages of loyalty reward programs, you might look for the best loyalty solution companies to manage your loyalty programs. Being the top loyalty program provider in India, RewardPort provides you with complete loyalty solutions aligning with your business goals. As a manufacturing brand, you must have a proper strategy to reward your partners as a way to enhance the experiences of your end consumers. This is what RewardPort can do for you. The team of marketing experts at RewardPort analyzes your business details thoroughly and helps you run an effective loyalty program that works perfectly for your brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a consumer loyalty program?

A consumer loyalty program is a rewards program that businesses run to encourage loyalty among their customers. These programs are aimed at boosting repeat purchases and motivating customers to keep coming back for more & more rewards.

Why customer loyalty is important?

Customer loyalty is important for every business because loyal customers tend to spend more often. Studies have also shown that retaining loyal customers is 5 to 25 times less expensive than acquiring new customers. There are several other benefits of loyalty rewards programs. With time, loyal customers can turn into brand advocates who promote your brand among their friends, relatives, etc, and bring in new customers.

How do you maintain customer loyalty?

Maintaining customer loyalty is not just about offering rewards and incentives to your customers. Various other factors matter, such as customer service, reviews of your current customers, etc.




    We have executed programs across various categories in India and abroad.



    Our programs and solutions have made a mark in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, UAE, Kenya, United Kingdom & Canada.



    Over 750 clients have trusted us with their marketing campaigns.

    Abbott India Ltd

    Challenge: Managing end-to-end incentive program for distributors efficiently.


    1. RewardPort registered addresses and email ids of all distributors by getting a form filled with their company seal & signature and digitizing it
    2. Created reward catalogue for 5 slabs with 4 gift options in each slab category
    3. Deployed an account manager and operations resource for timely MIS & escalation management
    4. Created a full-proof reward delivery system eliminating pilferage of gifts and theft/misuse by parties
    5. Created periodic schemes for retailers- free recharge on billing of Digene products

    Program mechanics: We receive a data file from Abbott team with address and gift option details of the qualified distributors every month. Tangible gifts are dispatched directly on the addresses and e-vouchers are emailed on their registered email id.