Be it a business or an individual, we all have placed loyalty at the top of the list. However, for businesses customer loyalty is a driving force that keeps them in the competition and to reward such loyal customers, businesses have started integrating loyalty program in their marketing strategy and keep the loyal customers.

From the large options of customer loyalty program available in the market to choose from. It often becomes a challenge for brands to figure out which loyalty program would be most effective and suitable for their business.

Hence, in this blog we will help you understand and identify the best suitable loyalty rewards program and loyalty program company to offer you best results.

Defining Basics of Loyalty Program

In its essence a loyalty program is a marketing strategy being implemented by any business or brand to reward the loyal customers and ensure repeat business from the customers. In this process brands offer various benefits such as discount coupons, gift cards, free gifts and other additional benefits.

Furthermore, the customer loyalty program is designed in such a way that it is beneficial for both the parties involved and leaves the customer with a satisfactory experience with the brand. However, it is often challenging to identify and design the perfect loyalty program for your brand which covers all the major aspects. Hence, it is recommended to get a suitable partner such as RewardPort to help you throughout the process.

The biggest benefit of integrating a loyalty program company such as RewardPort is that you can get customized loyalty program as per your requirements and pick the suitable aspects.

Benefits of Loyalty Program

Here are some of the most important benefits that you can reap off leveraging a loyalty rewards program. 

  • Building customer relationships

First and foremost integrating a loyalty program in your marketing strategy would allow you to build a strong relationship with your customers, offering them a sense of belonging and connection with the brand. 

  • New customer base

Once you start implementing a loyalty program your loyal customers will do a word-of-mouth marketing for your brand which would push their peers, friends and family to get an experience with your brand. Hence, expanding your customer base and helping you acquire new customers.

  • Increased sales, revenue and profit

Since we have already established this will help you gain more customers it is only logical that this will further help you get more sales, generate more revenue and hence more profit as well. 

  • Brand recognition 

Since more and more customers will be getting connected with your brand, and your loyal customers will be doing word-of-mouth marketing for you, this will help your brand get more recognition in the market. 

  • Customer satisfaction

Customer loyalty program is one such aspect which is implemented for offering benefits to both the parties. Having said that, a loyalty program would result in certain rewards or additional benefits to the customers which would offer them a certain level of satisfaction.

What to Consider?

Now that we have established the benefits and the purpose of integrating a loyalty program in any business, let’s have a look at some key points that you need to consider when designing your customer loyalty program. 

  • Data driven insights

Always look for data driven insights before you start designing any customer loyalty program for your business. Data will always help you put together a clear picture and help have a better understanding of what is required and what is expected out of this loyalty program. 

  • Define the purpose 

Define the purpose of integrating a customer loyalty program in your business. Define if you are trying to expand your customer base, maintain the loyal customer base or spread a word of marketing for your business. 

  • Target audience 

Next step is to get a clear understanding of your target audience. This will help you devise your strategy in a better manner. Your target audience will help you get better insights about your business plan and what you wish to achieve via the loyalty program. 

  • Prioritize customer service

When designing your loyalty rewards program, always prioritize the customer services. Focus on offering your customers enhanced services. This will help your customers have a sense of connection with your brand and further allow them to create a bond with the brand.

Furthermore, prioritizing customer service will allow your customers to feel valued which is going to contribute to the success of your brand in the long run. 

  • Understand the customer needs

When designing your loyalty program rewards first understand the needs of your customers, then decide for the rewards that you want to offer. Don’t go selecting random rewards that are not aligned with your customer’s needs. 

  • Rewards optimization 

Optimize your rewards at a regular interval to offer the customers a fresh and new feel instead of repeating the same rewards. This will further allow the customers to look forward to the rewards with your loyalty program. Always maintain the element of surprise in the program.

Loyalty Program with RewardPort

For a brand it is important to maintain and reward loyal customers. Hence, it becomes a necessity to integrate a loyalty program in their marketing strategy. In the above discussion we have already established the contributing factors, benefits, and key points to consider while integrating a loyalty program.

Furthermore, it is important to integrate customer loyalty program with the right partner such as RewardPort where you can get the program customized as per your needs and leverage different programs and services such as Sweepstakes, CineRewardz, Scratch2Win and various others from the entire offerings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why implement a loyalty program?

Implementing a loyalty program would help you to offer your loyal customers with rewards and additional benefits for their loyalty towards the brand. It further helps you to establish a bond with your customers and ensure a long term relationship.

How do you implement a loyalty program?

For implementing a loyalty program, define the purpose, find your target audience, set the rewards as per the customers needs, and start the campaign making customers aware of the benefits and rewards.

How do you implement a loyalty program?

Implementing a loyalty program requires you to first identify the audience group or target audience. Next step is to decide for the rewards that you wish to integrate in the program and how you wish to communicate regarding the same with the audience.




    We have executed programs across various categories in India and abroad.



    Our programs and solutions have made a mark in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, UAE, Kenya, United Kingdom & Canada.



    Over 750 clients have trusted us with their marketing campaigns.

    Abbott India Ltd

    Challenge: Managing end-to-end incentive program for distributors efficiently.


    1. RewardPort registered addresses and email ids of all distributors by getting a form filled with their company seal & signature and digitizing it
    2. Created reward catalogue for 5 slabs with 4 gift options in each slab category
    3. Deployed an account manager and operations resource for timely MIS & escalation management
    4. Created a full-proof reward delivery system eliminating pilferage of gifts and theft/misuse by parties
    5. Created periodic schemes for retailers- free recharge on billing of Digene products

    Program mechanics: We receive a data file from Abbott team with address and gift option details of the qualified distributors every month. Tangible gifts are dispatched directly on the addresses and e-vouchers are emailed on their registered email id.