In the current scenario there are numerous brands available in the market, all fighting for the customer’s attention and loyalty. But not all brands can get the attention of every customer, however, building customer loyalty is something that a brand can plan to achieve.

Different brands adopt different marketing strategies to build customer loyalty program, some succeed, whereas others fail. Customer loyalty can be gained if a few points are considered while developing your marketing strategy.

Customer Loyalty Program

For a brand its entire target audience and customer base is important but the most important are the regular customers. These are called the loyal customers, depending on the brand the size of these loyal customers can be small or large.

These customers are the ones to make purchases regularly even if there is no special discount or sale going on. They are also going to recommend the brand to their friends and family and indirectly contribute to the increased sales of the brand.

Customer loyalty program are developed to recognise and reward such customers. Without digital technology it was a complex to figure out the loyal customer but with the digital technology integrated, it is readily available.

Brands can devise their marketing strategies to target these regular customers and offer them better deals to ensure their loyalty for the brand. Furthermore, these loyalty program are also to create awareness for the brand among the audience. Running marketing campaigns will also enable the new customers to get involved to get benefit of the loyalty program.

Follow the pointers listed below and develop a customer loyalty program.

  • Focus on Customer Behaviour 

World is changing everyday and so is the customer behaviour. For a successful loyalty program, brands need to follow the rapidly changing customer behaviour and devise their strategies accordingly.

  • Consider Customer Needs

Before devising any marketing strategy consider the needs and requirements of the customer. If your products and brand is targeted to the needs of the customers it becomes easy for the customers to become loyal to the brand. 

  • Strong Customer Service

Once a customer has made a purchase from your brand, ensure that you have a strong customer service department as it is one of the most important aspects of the customer experience. In case of any issues, the customer should feel valued by the customer services.

This will create a bond between the customer and the brand, making them a loyal customer. 

  • Offer Rewards 

By recognising the loyal customers and offering them certain rewards is one of the most trending and successful strategies.

Sending free gifts or discount coupons along with the orders makes the customers feel special, and valued. This further works as a referral as well, as the loyal customer will now be recommending the brand to their friends and family as well.

Integrate different programs by RewardPort such as DigiFlix, GameBucks, Gamification, Subscription Nation, and CineRewards for better customer loyalty marketing program.

  • Engage Customers on Digital Platforms

In the digital age, customers are present on all the digital platforms and hence, it becomes easy to engage the customers on a regular basis. This everyday engagement will keep the customers attached to the brand and maintain loyalty throughout.

These engagements can be personalised notifications based on the purchase history, or discount coupons.

Tips for Successful Loyalty Program

A successful loyalty program can benefit a brand at a large scale. It can help the brand to re-create its image and even explore the audience beyond. 

  • Personalisation

Customers, be it loyal or a new one is a human being only, and loves to feel valued. The small touch of personalisation added in the loyalty program can help you gain the trust of them.

Send them a personalised offer, email, or message on their birthdays to make them feel special based on their details. 

  • Offers on Frequent Purchases 

On most online stores, it keeps a track of your frequent purchases and items that you look out for most. Offering a cashback or discount on those specific products can encourage the customers to keep making purchases.

This not only allows the customers to become a loyal customer but also refer the brand to their peers as well, and this does a small marketing for your brand. 

  • Leverage the technology (autofill address, and preferred payment modes)

Integrating advanced technology and using it for your own benefit should be considered by brands. With the AI technology, customer purchase patterns, and other details can be stored in the application.

These stored details can be used at the time of finishing up a purchase on the online store, making it convenient for the customer to finish the purchase. This helps them to make a quick purchase and have a seamless experience. 

  • Create a Memorable Experience 

As discussed already, for a customer experience matters the most. How you made them feel is going to decide if they are going to be a loyal customer or not. Ensure that the customer experience is good, and they are happy with the services being offered.

  • Encourage Feedbacks

If a customer is providing feedback, accept the feedback, and take some serious action on it. Brand’s actions on customer feedback will eventually make them feel valued and heard, offering a sense of belonging with the brand.

Most Common Loyalty Programs

Different companies have different strategies and loyalty program running for their customers. These loyalty program ideas can vary as per the needs and requirements of the brand and the customer size as well.

However, some of the most common loyalty program in marketing are as follows:

  • Point Based System 

In the point based system, customers earn a certain amount of points at the end of each purchase which can be redeemed on the next purchase. These points ensure that the customer will come back for more purchase and hence, the cycle keeps going on. 

  • Subscriptions 

By asking customers to subscribe to your brand and get a premium account you offer them certain added benefits which are not available for regular customers. This makes the customers feel valued and special as they have added advantages.

Subscription Nation by RewardPort being integrated with your brand can help you offer better programs to your customers. 

  • Referral Rewards

Ensuring that not only one customer but even their peers become loyal to your brand, you implement a referral loyalty program. When a friend whom the customer referred to makes a purchase, the customer will get extra benefits such as a discount or gift card, motivating the customers to refer to their peers.

Integrating My Choice of Gift by RewardPort to offer customers free gifts of their choice on referrals. This will make customers associate themselves with the brand in a personal manner.

  • Cashbacks 

Offering a small amount of cashback on purchase of a certain amount or product creates excitement among the customers, motivating them to make more purchases for more cashback offers.

FreeBucks by RewardPort can be integrated with any loyalty program and can help customers get rewards and redeem points or get cash prizes as well.

RewardPort Loyalty Program

Among the various players in the industry RewardPort is the leading loyalty programs in India, offering various different solutions for your brand. The experience team, and the broad spectrum of clients has enabled RewardPort to offer the best loyalty program.

For more information, get in touch with our expert team and enhance your business today with our loyalty program.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do we need loyalty program?

Loyalty programs are required to recognise and reward the loyal customers and channel partners for their loyalty toward the brand and their efforts for increased brand profits and recognition.

2. Is loyalty program a CRM?

Loyalty program is also a form of CRM strategy as it is also focused on maintaining good relationships with the customers and even channel partners.

3. What are the benefits of customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty helps a brand to launch a new product or service based on the loyal customer base and these loyal customers will always avail the new products and services, additionally, they will also do word of mouth marketing for the brand increasing the brand awareness and recognition.




    We have executed programs across various categories in India and abroad.



    Our programs and solutions have made a mark in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, UAE, Kenya, United Kingdom & Canada.



    Over 750 clients have trusted us with their marketing campaigns.

    Abbott India Ltd

    Challenge: Managing end-to-end incentive program for distributors efficiently.


    1. RewardPort registered addresses and email ids of all distributors by getting a form filled with their company seal & signature and digitizing it
    2. Created reward catalogue for 5 slabs with 4 gift options in each slab category
    3. Deployed an account manager and operations resource for timely MIS & escalation management
    4. Created a full-proof reward delivery system eliminating pilferage of gifts and theft/misuse by parties
    5. Created periodic schemes for retailers- free recharge on billing of Digene products

    Program mechanics: We receive a data file from Abbott team with address and gift option details of the qualified distributors every month. Tangible gifts are dispatched directly on the addresses and e-vouchers are emailed on their registered email id.