The concept of offering rewards and incentives to encourage a desired behavior is not restricted to end customers now. Businesses even incentivize their channel partners, i.e. retailers, distributors, sales partners, etc, to keep them motivated. However, choosing incentives and rewards for channel partners is not as easy as doing it in the case of end customers. Your channel partners can have different requirements and areas of interest. To design successful dealer programs, you need to take their interests and needs into account. 

Apart from this, there are various other factors that you have to consider, such as your business objectives. Below in this article, we will discuss some crucial steps that you need to take in order to strategize an effective channel partner incentives program for your business:

Step 1: Set Clear and Measurable Goals

The first and most important step in the process of designing a channel partner incentives program is to set clear objectives. You cannot just look at the dealer partner program of some other business and replicate it. It might not be as effective for your company as it is for them. These objectives should align with the marketing goals of your business. Before you decide on the structure of your partner incentive program or the type of rewards or benefits you are going to offer, you must have a clear understanding of your goals. 

First, identify what you want to achieve with this program. Your goal may be to retain your partners to encourage them to put more effort into your business or just to appreciate them. Whatever it is, you can proceed further and implement the right program only after setting your goals. Just make sure that your goal is SMART, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

Step 2: Set Easy-to-Understand Criteria

There are always some criteria that users need to fulfill in order to become part of a rewards program. You can also set some basic rules and criteria for your dealers program. But make sure that these rules and criteria are easy to understand for all your partners. The guidelines should not be so complex that they become disinterested even before exploring the benefits of the program. The more simple you keep it, the higher engagement you receive from your partners.

The criteria may be as simple as signing the partnership agreement, i.e. as soon as you onboard a partner, they become eligible for the benefits of your incentives program. You can also make it more interesting by including a few more requirements to the eligibility criteria. Just make sure that all your partners are aware of the program and they know how they can earn and maximize the incentives.

Step 3: Offer Rewards That Your Partners Value

No matter how good rewards or incentives you offer, the program doesn’t make any sense if your channel partners are not interested in these rewards. Therefore, it becomes quite essential that you design the program carefully. Make sure that you offer rewards and incentives that your partners are interested in. You can encourage or appreciate your partners only by offering rewards and benefits of their choice. Otherwise, they will not even be interested in earning rewards and hence will not perform the desired actions that you want them to.

As per research, businesses use more than six types of rewards for channel incentives on average. This is most likely done to keep the interests of all dealer partners in mind. When designing a channel partner incentives program, you need to analyze the needs and interests of your customers before you finalize the rewards. This is what reward solution companies like RewardPort can do for you. With a wide range of instant and digital reward options, the marketing team at RewardPort can design the best dealers program for your channel partners.

Step 4: Communicate With Partners to Keep Them Engaged

Another important step is to promote your program and make your channel partners aware of it. Regular and effective communication with your partners is important to keep them updated with your rewards and benefits. It doesn’t only improve partners’ participation rate but also helps you strengthen relationships with your dealers and partners. Make sure to appreciate them for their performance and give regular feedback. Just designing the program is not enough. You need to put regular time and effort into its promotion and management.

Step 5: Regularly Measure the Program’s Success

You can’t just implement the program and be done with it. In order to make your dealer partner incentive program successful, you need to track its progress on a regular basis. You can measure the success of your program using different metrics like partner engagement rate, ROI, sales growth, partner satisfaction rates, etc. If everything seems to work well, that’s amazing. If not, you can identify areas of improvement and work on them. 

To keep your program up-to-date with market trends, make sure that it is flexible and adaptable. You must be able to update it according to the newly emerging technologies and market requirements. Only a flexible dealers program can remain relevant and engaging over time. 

Why Choose RewardPort as Your Channel Partner Solution Company?

With years of experience in running dealer partner programs for businesses in different industries, RewardPort becomes a top option to consider when looking for a channel partner solution company. With a wide array of reward options across 15+ categories, the marketing team at RewardPort can design a program keeping the interests of all your partners in mind. 

By partnering with RewardPort, you can offer premium rewards such as free flight bookings, travel packages, and many more, to your partners. So, if you are looking for any such solution, explore more options here at this website and get in touch with reward experts today!



  1. What are the typical benefits of joining a dealer program?
    Running a dealer program for your channel partners can have multiple benefits, such as higher partner engagement, better partner satisfaction rates, improved performances of partners, good brand image, and many more.
  2. What support can dealers expect from a typical dealer program?
    Under a dealer program, channel partners and dealers can expect technical support, marketing support, and learning support from their partners.
  3.  Are dealer programs only for large businesses?
    No, dealer programs are suitable for all sizes of businesses. You just need to keep your business needs and objectives in mind when planning a channel partner program for your business.




    We have executed programs across various categories in India and abroad.



    Our programs and solutions have made a mark in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, UAE, Kenya, United Kingdom & Canada.



    Over 750 clients have trusted us with their marketing campaigns.

    Abbott India Ltd

    Challenge: Managing end-to-end incentive program for distributors efficiently.


    1. RewardPort registered addresses and email ids of all distributors by getting a form filled with their company seal & signature and digitizing it
    2. Created reward catalogue for 5 slabs with 4 gift options in each slab category
    3. Deployed an account manager and operations resource for timely MIS & escalation management
    4. Created a full-proof reward delivery system eliminating pilferage of gifts and theft/misuse by parties
    5. Created periodic schemes for retailers- free recharge on billing of Digene products

    Program mechanics: We receive a data file from Abbott team with address and gift option details of the qualified distributors every month. Tangible gifts are dispatched directly on the addresses and e-vouchers are emailed on their registered email id.